It is well-known thrust of Samsung devices to large – that it is with the release of the 5.3-inch Galaxy Note set the fashion for smartpedy. It has since been released many such devices and there were many South Korean rivals. Perhaps, including so, Samsung is about to open a new niche and provide a 12-inch tablet Android, rumors of which have been circulating for months. Now, as everyone knows, the vast majority of the “big pill” have a screen diagonal or 10.1 inches, or 9.7 inches (which is particularly popular with companies that anyway copy iPad). Of course, there are plates and with even larger displays, but they are rare, most of them have mediocre technical specifications failed to attract attention to himself.
First time on a 12-inch, or, to be precise, 12.2-inch tablet from Samsung we heard back in June from the South Korean edition of ET News, which stated that the massive gadget will get a screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels. Now there were rumors about the device again – as the size of the display and its resolution is confirmed at least two new unofficial source. In particular, Korea Economic Daily claims referring to industrial sources as a 12 inch tablet Samsung appear in October, and, moreover, that such devices can provide other companies.
Moving away from the information on the display, and an release date, we know about the tablet is not very much. Earlier, there were rumors that the “pill” will receive an eight-core chip Samsung Exynos 5 Octa, and, in addition, new anecdotal evidence confirms that the gadget will belong to the range of Galaxy Note, and, therefore, receive a stylus. Well, we must admit, it would be logical and useful solution.
Samsung does not hesitate to experiment with the size and form factor, but we would not be surprised if competitors do not have to wait long – as is always the case when someone asks fashion. What do you say, not much there 12 inches for daily use, or just right?
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