2015 Academic Grasp bird on his shoulder

2015 Academic Grasp bird on his shoulder

2015 Academic Grasp bird on his shoulder

2015 – this is the time to output the training to a new level. If before we had a stationary form, where the teacher led the students for the handle on the world of knowledge, correspondence, where at least gave useful information, or remote, where the teacher was just a lesson plan, and then you already own, now all you can call it obsolete forms of education.

Now in the course of all self-education, self-study. It’s cheaper and more interesting. But if you’re one of those who lack perseverance, or who needs a strong hand of the teacher, the Danish designer has created a virtual mentor. This is a gadget that is attached to the shoulder, rather futuristic and at the same time like a snowman. In the three layers are located camera, microphone and laser pointer. Thus using the device that received the name of Grasp, you will be able to engage with the instructor even at a distance. Video calls and Internet you in this, and so help but with this stuff people can in real time to observe, to explain and point out mistakes or the correctness of a specific task. I have here is a needed for cooking … or driving. Or solve algebraic problems.

Grasp bird on his shoulder cool looks

2015 Academic Grasp bird on his shoulder

That is, the accuracy and timeliness of the advice and guidance you will be guaranteed. Another issue is that not everyone wants to wear a bulky gadget that is secured with two ribbons on the shoulder. Besides, it looks strange from the outside, I do not see jack for headphones, the device will not yell “Pieces of eight!” And it is unclear whether Akarsh ready Sangi, creator of the project, to make it public. Read more with the structure of a gadget or other ideas can be the designer on his website.

2015 Academic Grasp bird on his shoulder

And let my people with such a thing will still look like this, it seems, is a really useful device for those who wish not looking up from his duties to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Source: akarshsanghi

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