While the U.S. president has been repeatedly recognized that a fan of Steve Jobs and his revolutionary gadgets, yet at the insistence of the security services he had to abandon his iPhone and revert to using BlackBerry . According to Barack Obama , security experts believe Apple phone secure enough to use them to the head of state.
“At the moment, for security reasons I am not allowed to have around the iPhone, – Obama said, responding to questions from students at the White House.
At the same time his daughter Sasha and Malia are actively using the iPhone and the president said, “spend much time with them.” Despite a ban on the use of iPhone, Obama still has at its disposal iPad, with which scans the headlines and travels over the Internet.
Apparently, the American president does not want to repeat the fate of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose phone was once unceremoniously listened U.S. intelligence agencies. Or worry Obama called sensational claims former employee U.S. National Security Agency Edward Snowden about the infamous program for spying on users PRISM .
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