LG is one of the first, along with Motorola, expressed its intention to issue smart watches OSes on Android Wear, showing the first pictures of its product in a few hours after the presentation of the software component. Today LG has rolled out an entire mini-page dedicated to the new hours. Let’s get acquainted closer.
In design, as expected, it’s pretty boring – rectangular bar, which is available in two colors – black and gold (the latter comes with a white strap). What pleases in comparison with its competitors, is the lack of any buttons on the case. Surface integrity is penalized only five-pin connector on the rear side and the microphone hole on one of the faces.
The device promises to be dust-and moisture-protected, you should understand that standard IP67, although this is not specified. By the way, if anyone knows what these numbers and letters, you can read about it a separate material . In fact, as for me, is all the clocks must be equipped with such protection. Do not shoot them well every time you wash your hands.
What is frustrating, because it’s pretty big frame around the display. Maybe I want much, but LG has taught me to slim frame in G2, and daunshiftitsya nobody likes. In addition, at 360 Moto frame almost absent, although a working prototype yet nobody saw.
Manage the clock, as already mentioned, the OS will be Android Wear, recently presented to the public. Slightly confusing aspect is the claim that the screen will never “fall asleep.” In this half-press the screen images still off. It also begs the question of how, in such a case will be monitored battery consumption it’s android .
It may be used technology like Mirasol-screens from Qualcomm. If the screen is still off, then, in the absence of buttons, it will either be activated accelerometer (like Gear 2), or double-tap of the same (like the other products from LG). And neither one nor the other seems to me comfortable.
We are waiting for the start of sales.
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