Waternest 100 - stand-alone house on the water

Waternest 100 – stand-alone house on the water

Unusual dwelling designed by the British EcoFloLife. The new company is called Waternest 100 and a floating house on the water.

This is a real godsend for those who want to be closer to the water. Some people confuse the idea to dwell on the yacht. Said complex solves the problem at the level of design.

Feature of house on the water of Waternest 100

Waternest 100 - stand-alone house on the water

It looks module where cozier than a boat. In addition, he self-sufficient – thanks to efficient solar panels on the roof.

Area respective panels – 60 square meters. Said enough to generate 4 kW in clear weather.

As materials used aluminum and recycled wood. Who did look? Giancarlo Zema – the famous Italian architect (often taking for such exotics).

Waternest 100 - stand-alone house on the water

The house on the water has five meters in height and 10 in width. It is ideal for creating a personal space – with bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, dining room and living room.

However, the configuration is easy to change. You can turn Waternest 100 restaurants, offices and so on. Would imagination and money.

Waternest 100 - stand-alone house on the water

Minuses? Recommended “quiet” place – the lake, atolls, bays and rivers with low flow. Plus warm climate.

The price of the house on the water is 54,000 dollars (base version).

Source: giancarlozema

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