Amazing headphone Oppo PM-3 review

Amazing headphone Oppo PM-3 review

Amazing headphone Oppo PM-3 review

Oppo company can not boast too long history and rich heritage. But in practice, its first product, has come down to our market. It was the Blu-ray-player Oppo BDP83. And the player was able to hit most intense at that time (2009) equipment.

Firmly hold the position in the segment of expensive universal player. The company is looking for new areas of application of their resources. Through our test lab, we have recently passed her two very notable amplifier DAC headphone. And last year it issued a chic and expensive headphones Oppo PM-1, which differ not only exquisite materials used in them. But its own version magneto- planar technology emitters. Now, in the line of headphones Oppo three models, and today we get to know the younger.

The above-mentioned PM-1, as a number average PM-2 are open acoustic design. That is, it is not well suited for use outside the home, although due to the small (for magneto- planar) weight and high sensitivity allow the portable application. But the younger model – gated and in similar other characteristics of the company is thinking of marketing it to listen to music from a mobile device.

Design of the Oppo PM-3

Oppo PM-3 look strong and solid. Soft ear cushions covered with leatherette cover tightly ears. Substantially isolating you from external noise. Pressure on the top of her head barely is felt if the headband to adjust for its size. For many hours of listening there is no discomfort or irritation from wearing such a “headdress.”

Headphones Oppo PM-3 is quite large for a portable. Their size can optimize by turning the cup through 90 °. Then they fit into the supplied hard case that is already easier to fit in your bag. These cords are attached 3 m and 1.2 m (last – with a headset for smartphones). And also an adapter with 3.5 to 6.3-mm connectors.

Portable use Oppo PM-3 limited by the lack at the moment worthy of their power mobile sources. Although improvement in this direction is clearly observed. With their help, you can listen to MP3-recording on your phone, and they will do everything possible so that you get pleasure from it. Due to the high detail in the pleasant smoothness and elaboration of mid-range vocals. For example singing, Pelagia served very natural and expressive.

Sounding of the Oppo PM-3

Amazing headphone Oppo PM-3 review

Modest silence Smallest Hi-Res-player Sony NWZ-A17 is also enough to “shake» Oppo PM-3. But the bass line at the beginning of the album 50 Words for Snow by Kate Bush in HD-format completely devoid of texture. Although the singer’s voice is quite articulate and lively.

What’s inside the Oppo PM-3?

In magneto- planar, sound transmitter creates a thin and light film. The oscillating reciprocating mode in a magnetic field. A unique feature of the headphones Oppo PM-3-sided seven-layer diaphragm. And can accommodate twice as many wires on it and eventually leads to an increase in sensitivity. And also reduce the distortions of various kinds. They also used the strong neodymium magnets, their parameters and configuration are designed using finite element method. For closed Oppo PM-3 radiator design was optimized.

To fully develop the talents of these headphones Oppo, should apply to them a full signal. We used the headphone amplifier Oppo HA-2. Monitoring and bass detail in the album by Kate Bush greatly increased. Improved sound and other characteristics. It is soft – but to claim there is no rhythm – a balanced, multi-faceted. Focus vocals and other elements of excellent compositions, instrumental accompaniment spelled out in great detail and accurately. For all the information content of the sound is very comfortable – you can listen to music for hours.

Classical music lovers will find in the Oppo PM-3 perfect tool for listening to the largest and most complex pieces. “Planets” Holst in HD-format using them executed with the same consideration. Beautiful microdynamics, the dynamic variability and vigor, which we ever get a very good Hi-Fi-systems – we just have to get used to a slightly different configuration of the music scene: over the head, not the front.

Amazing headphone Oppo PM-3 review

It should also be noted that play recordings in CD-quality playback of a disc or via a PC. And with the help Oppo HA-2 headphones Oppo PM-3 also provides a very high quality and expressive sound in all genres.

The most affordable model in a line of headphones Oppo is regarded as an excellent high-grade sound system for personal listening to music at home and on the road. We strongly recommend that you look.

Price: $ 480

Pluses: balanced, detailed sound and work; amazing vocal articulation; natural and energetic sound without any hardness or sharpness RF

Cons: Nothing

Verdict of the Oppo PM-3

Excellent headphones, capable of a real competitor system with high-end speakers

Source: OppoDigital

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