Apple wants to make the car a little smarter

Apple is doing everything possible to remain the most innovative company in the world, but at the same time make the world, or at least part of it a little better. Next in line for an upgrade – cars.

The range located in the U.S. Apple Store has a new gadget called the Automatic. With the help of a $ 100 American drivers can greatly simplify your life.

But start from the beginning, that is, with the operating principle. It is this: a small gadget connects to the onboard computer via the vehicle OBD-II Data Link Connector, and then through the Bluetooth is connected to the iPhone (App Store in the corresponding application is free). Reading data from both devices, Automatic processes the information and provides it in a form accessible to the driver. Here are some key features Automatic:

  • device calculates how much you spend on fuel. When you stop at a gas station, Automatic via GPS determines your location and, using its own database of gas stations and today’s fuel prices, determines the amount paid. A similar calculation occurs during movement by multiplying the distance traveled on the fuel consumption and its cost;
  • Automatic makes recommendations on fuel economy. According to research by the U.S. Department of Energy, avoiding sudden braking, acceleration and jerk, you can save up to 33 percent of the fuel. The device calculates how often you resort to these elements driving, compares this information with how you went ahead and issues an alert;
  • gadget analyzes the incoming signals from the engine. This means that in the case of tanning lamps “check engine», Automatic tell you what exactly the reason: oil leak or something not so serious. In the first case, you can right from the app on the iPhone to find the location nearest service stations and their rating. In the second case, we can again with the help of the application, simply turn off the light bulb;
  • the accident Automatic automatically alerts about accidents 911, the insurance company and your family. If nothing serious happens, you can manually cancel the notification to the iPhone;
  • Automatic compares the way in which you are traveling, so which route is usually chosen by the other drivers in the area. This comparison allows us to offer the most optimal route, and compiled on the basis of analysis of “real” drivers, not electronic navigation system. Similarly, analyzes the driving style of car owners the same make and model year, as well as you;
  • device stores all the places where you parked your car, the next time can greatly facilitate the search space.

It all seems so far that can boast Automatic. However, developers are not going to stop there. Now, for example, are working on a system of determining depreciation brakes. And soon will support the introduction of smart phones on Android.

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