Apple iPad mini tests based SoC A6 and old display

In the iOS SDK 7 showed signs of unusual model iPad Mini , reports 9to5mac . This device is equipped with a processor Apple A6 (the same applies to the iPhone 5 ), but it does not have Retina-display, which is strange. It clearly is a small plate of the second generation, but most rumors point to the fact of using it with the HD display . This is especially important against the background of the announcement of Google Nexus 7 of the second generation , equipped with a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1920×1200 pixels.
Returning to the iOS SDK 7 and trail the new iPad mini, it is worth noting that in a hidden file that contains the latest information on supported mobile devices running Apple, names three new items to the model code-named iPad 2,8, iPad 2,9 and iPad 2,10 . For comparison, the code name for models of the current generation of iPad mini: iPad 2,5, iPad 2,6 and iPad 2,7. Three names mean the same Wi-Fi model and two with cellular module.

Recall that there are two versions of the Apple SoC A6 – one of them is used in the iPhone 5, and more productive option – a fourth-generation iPad . They differ in frequency rayuboty and GPU (3-core in the first case and a 4-core – in the second). In the new model iPad mini applied variant with index s5l8950x, and it is the same SoC as the company’s newest smartphone.

Regarding the lack of Retina-display in this small tablet, the indirect proof of this are referred to hidden files in SDK, in which there are no links to images from the index «@ 2x». It is used in such Retina-interface and link to them there is a related iPhone and iPad 4Gen 5 files.

Thus, there is a great chance to get a iPad mini with a powerful processor, but not the most advanced display that clearly cause a negative public reaction. On the other hand, the fact that the above model, in principle, to be released – it may be only a prototype, which has no relation to a commercial product.

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