Apple will improve the quality of shooting iPhone using a dual sensor

Patent and Trademark United States on Tuesday issued a new patent to Apple, associated with the processing of photographic and video images of mobile devices. Patent-pending technology is a set of hardware and software innovations, the main task of which is to eliminate the defects of the image captured by the camera on the iPhone: corrupted pixels, lens distortion, glare and other things.

The patent is called “Methods and techniques of image processing using a dual sensor» («Dual image sensor image processing system and method»). Apple engineers invention provides use of a special system components, the result of which – better photos without visual defects.

According to the description of the patent, smartphone hardware sensors will automatically detect defects in the frame (eg, dead pixels, problems with brightness, color, etc.), and then correct any errors. The document notes that the technology can be used not only for photos, but for videos.

The new patent Apple appears just a phone company, so probably the first system will be implemented in this device. This technology can be applied in the next flagship smartphone iPhone 5S, in which the company is known, will focus on the built-in camera. 12-megapixel sensor, coupled with new hardware and software development Apple must bring photographic capabilities of the iPhone to a new level.

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