To be or not to be: why Apple «kill» line iPod, and why – no

After the announcement of financial indicators of our favorite company in the last quarter, it became clear: iPod all bad. According to statistics, during the reporting period has been sold all 6 million devices. This is an occasion to throw to the back of the gadget history, experts say. But whether agree with them in Apple? MacWorld shifts eyebrows, thinks and publishes several reasons why the music player can leave the arena, as well as a few reasons why he will give another chance.

Immediately warn serious analysts here and does not smell – just enough fun (and logical) reflections on the topic of the day. Prepared?

Why do away with Apple iPod:

1). To show their desire to meet innovation, Apple will have to abandon the excess, lose ballast, show that in the future space for media players anymore.

2). Apple iPod brought only 2% of the profits in the last year the share gadget was 4% – the trend is obvious. Will be worse – why suffer?

3). First time in ten years with profit iPod sales fell below a billion dollars. “Crumbs” is not worth the labor to invest.

4). Tim Cook calls iPod «hireyuschim now”, maybe his opinion will be decisive?

5). Peter Oppenheimer sees joyful prospects: “We believe that iPod sales continue to decline in the next quarter.” (Add: and in the next, and next to it).

6). iPod classic is not updated for several years and still uses a 30-pin connector … Probably devaysu already prepared a place at the cemetery.

7). Nobody uses the media player. All use Spotify, running it on their smartphones. What store music on a single device, when it could just as necessary “to load” of the Web?

8). iPod not interested competitors to copy the object, then the profit is not even get by the “patent troll.”

Why leave Apple iPod on the spot:

1). Profits are not redundant. Even billion received from player sales, can be put into the case (especially when the company is building such an ambitious campus as space donut-ship – to the window just enough).

2). With 6 million stalls took iPod. Knowing the profit from sales and the average price prikinuv gadget, one can calculate that the most popular models were the most expensive players (probably there are still those who can not afford to buy the iPhone and iPod Touch to replace, why discourage people?).

3). At one time it was Apple iPod saved from financial ruin, neglect, and so on. Furthermore, it became the basis for iPod corporate smartphone iPhone. Sentimentality, a sense of gratitude and a good memory is quite good gadget can win a couple of years.

4). Apple has enough money to continue to produce at the most successful products. It is unlikely that the company saves.

5). Spotify and other music storage, good strimingovyh services where there is internet. The internet is fast and, most importantly, cheap. Surprising and sad, but there it is not everywhere: in developing countries, the player still companion of music lovers.

6). Tim Cook, a gentle man, did not in any product line. This was done by Steve Jobs . Who knows when the new head of a great company will take such a step …

7). Apple plans to develop the series. Conclusions about this, for example, can be made from leaked online job: Cupertino seeking sales specialist iPod, which will work with OEM and suppliers. In addition, the manufacturer is hoping to find a few engineers whose work will also be linked to the players.

8). Apple likes to surprise. For several years she has not updated Mac Pro, many even thought that the company has no desire to develop workstations and leave designers, animators, videographers irrelevant. But then, quite suddenly, the vendor is Mac Pro in a fundamentally new form factor with powerful stuffing. Who knows what else the company carries sleeve?

And how do you think, how many years are left once favorite gadget?

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