Chinese “businessmen” are trading sessions, Apple tech support

To get technical assistance from Apple in the branded retail outlets of the company, the user must reserve time. All professionals in the Apple Store («genius”) may be employed And it happens quite often. In the US-based Chinese stores many visitors, and so sometimes even sign up for a particular date does not work. However, it is possible – but on the black market.

Enterprising “businessmen” in China have discovered a new way to earn money. They record all the possible session at the “genius” on a particular day, and then sell them over the Internet. Each session costs about $ 1.6, and often pay this amount – the only way to meet experts of technical support.

Edition Beijing Morning News, reported it was unable to set up a meeting with the “geniuses” at the site Apple, but quickly found a web site where you can buy up a meeting with the technical experts of the company. If you walk into a store without armor, you will likely have to stand in line before closing, and not the fact that successful.

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