The third game Gameloft free download of the holders of a Nokia Asha is Driver: San Francisco. As has happened in the last two weeks, the well-known software house offers the opportunity to download free for seven days, a game released for the Nokia Asha devices throughout the Christmas period .. After Assassin’s Creed Revelations and Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour is passed to Driver: San Francisco, which pays tribute to the famous series of action games that made its debut in the gaming scene in the late nineties.
The title is the transposition of the fifth chapter of the historic Mobile Driver series, released in 2011 on consoles and PC, featuring a play structure “free-roaming”. The player will be called to take the city of San Francisco, tackling missions of increasing difficulty to drive a wide variety of vehicles.
The selection of Gameloft starts today (December 23) and will end one week, replaced by its new free game waiting for next Monday. Driver: San Francisco is compatible with many models in the Asha, including even the recent Asha 503.
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