Google has confirmed the purchase of smart developer hours WIMM Labs

Google has officially confirmed the purchase of smart developer hours WIMM Labs. It should be noted that the transaction took place in the summer of 2012, but then the name of the buyer was not disclosed.

Startup WIMM Labs has not a lot of experience in the market of smart hours. In 2011, the market entered a development kit «WIMM One Developer Kit», which included working with Android Mini PC 36h32 mm dimensions, special strap, as well as several pre-installed applications (calendar, weather, clock and timer).

In the configuration of the mini-PC includes wireless modules Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, which provide interaction with devices running Android, BlackBerry and iOS. Accelerometer and magnetometer also were part of the WIMM One, which enabled smart clock to track the user’s movements.

According to GigaOM , the majority of employees WIMM Labs joined the team on the development of Android. Unfortunately, official statements on the future of Google’s WIMM Labs has yet been received. It is believed that technology WIMM Labs used the search giant glasses Google Glass, the development of which began around the same time.

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