Google has released a mobile app to find lost Android-devices

In August this year, Google launched Android Device Manager. It is designed to find lost or stolen mobile devices running Android.

Recall using the web interface, the user can find on a map his lost mobile device (provided that it is not turned off, and is within the coverage area of ​​Wi-Fi or 3G). The user also has the ability to call on your mobile device. In this case, it will be possible to call loudly for 5 minutes. To turn off the alarm, press the power button. Additionally, you can clear the memory of the mobile device. To do this, you must first enable remote reset.

Now, in addition to the web interface has been launched and the corresponding mobile app Android Device Manager. It has similar features: allows you to define the location of Android-device associated with the user account, reset the PIN-code lock screen, making calls at maximum volume, delete all data from the device.

Android Device Manager application is available for download in the store Google Play .

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