iKlips: "lightning" flash drive for iPhone and iPad

iKlips: “lightning” flash drive for iPhone and iPad

iKlips: "lightning" flash drive for iPhone and iPad

A Universal device for multiple platforms – a piece remarkable. But the developers’ stick iKlips chose a different path. Their portable drive works best on “apple” iOS.

On other operating systems compatibility is also available. But the gadget is ideal results achieved exclusively on the iPad and iPhone.
The novelty lies in the aluminum body and guarantees a high data rate.

Indicators reading using Apple Lightning connector up to 14 MB / s. Entries – 8.

iKlips: "lightning" flash drive for iPhone and iPad

The best results are obtained by connecting USB 3.0. It increases the performance of reading tenfold. A record improves to 20 MB / s.
IKlips capacity is 16, 32, 64 or 128 GB (depending on configuration). The most expensive model will cost $ 169. Base – 49.

Now the authors of the prototype collect funds for mass production. Orders are accepted on site Indiegogo. Released in June.

Source: Geeky-Gadgets

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