
iPhone will get rid of cockroaches at home


Taking care of the person and exploring its endless neyropotentsial, the company Backyard Brains resembling vengeance to those who molested this to the person ages. At this time got cockroaches. The company has released a special set for the conversion of insects controlled by iPhone cyborgs.


Backyard Brains employees offer home-made from insect robot by connecting the microcontroller to his mustache. To make the cockroach dance to their tune, first it is necessary to catch up and fix the device on his back, threw on his mustache, with which a cockroach oriented in space, a kind of plastic caps. And then pick up the iPhone, move away to a safe distance and enjoy a cockroach running around to where you are sending it.

The device sends signals directly to the insect neurons, bypassing the main sensory channel in the form of whiskers, so if you want to make a cockroach dramatically change the trajectory of motion, just press a button and all – he seems to have that in front of the wall and it is time to unfold. For experiments are well suited sort of big cockroaches Blaberus. They can be bought at the same company.

To control the cockroach developed a special application for the iPhone. In the active control of the screen displays a schematic drawing of an insect. To turn left or right cockroach must touch the corresponding side of the picture.

According to the manufacturer, the board with the microcontroller and the electrodes does not harm the animal, and its installation on the forces most nonspecialists. Sale of the unit will begin in November for $ 99.

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