Comments on: NASA experts have created a humanoid robot Valkyrie, designed for competition Hi-tech news Tue, 18 Mar 2025 07:38:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ulises Wed, 11 Dec 2013 13:50:00 +0000 But, if machines take over all human activity, including art and science, what will happen to the organic body and its conditioned-to-work-and-think brain? Surely, will it decay? Is mankind-machine coexistence possible while people is fighting for jobs and resources: competition, nations, and so on? Anyway, what is the endeveour in which a robot cannot take part or channel at all? Why won’t the future automatons be alive? What is the fundamental difference between a mechanical structure, organic or inorganic, that imitates life and life itself? Is there any, virtual or real? Can materialistic and mechanical points of view be overcome? Along these lines, a serious-funny book, take a look in a sample in Just another mind leisure suggestion, far away from dogmas or axioms
