Apple Inc. has expanded the capabilities of its platform HealthKit, which allows the user to keep a detailed log of parameters of the organism. HealthKit is compatible with a large number of fitness devices and smart gadgets so that communication can be performed continuously.
Have access to the platform as doctors, researchers, and ordinary users. If desired, the user can open access to their data for physicians so that the specialist can remotely monitor the health of the patient.
In particular, users with Parkinson’s disease can perform a series of tests using the new application, and immediately transmit these data doctor. Start the tests can be very simple – just say “Ahhhh,” and you can record symptoms. Furthermore, there are additional tests – for example, the patient may perform tasks previously allocated to the touching points on the screen.
This and other applications included in the package ResearchKit, where there are also applications that allow the doctor to remotely assess the state of human health problems of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and even patients with lung cancer.
The first five applications from ResearchKit already available in the App Store. The whole package ResearchKit will only be available next month. It is worth noting that the application package is designed according to the standard open source.
Source: Apple
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