Noteslate Shiro new handwritten notes on the electronic paper

Noteslate Shiro new handwritten notes on the electronic paper

Noteslate Shiro new handwritten notes on the electronic paper

On the market for a tablet and PHABLET with the possibility of handwriting. For example – Samsung Galaxy Note. Company Noteslate, however, offers another solution. Let’s see what it offers.

However, it is quite an unusual device. The screen of the gadget is not an LCD. It created a device based on the electronic paper. Let’s see the main features Noteslate Shiro.

Features of the Noteslate Shiro

It called 6.8-inch novelty – Shiro and is positioned as a tablet, eReader and “notes” to take notes.

Display products of the type E Ink Pearl. The touchpad offers a backlight 16 grayscale and resolution of 1440 by 1080 pixels. A special pen allows you to write on the screen and even draw. Supported finger input – for interacting with the user interface.

More “on board” have a chip with Freescale 1 GHz. Also built-in 8 GB of non-volatile memory, and have the opportunity to use the card slot microSD. Additional features Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. In the role of the operating system is a proprietary Noteslate OS.

The thickness of the magnesium alloy body – 10 mm. Weighs Noteslate Shiro is 240 g.

Conclusion of the Noteslate Shiro

The new device Noteslate Shiro really cool to show their best side. And for developers of other enterprises is worth paying attention to this device. Pre-order price will be $ 199. Deliveries will start in September 2015.

Source: Liliputing

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