OxygenOS - new and modern OS based on Android from OnePlus

OxygenOS – new and modern OS based on Android from OnePlus

OxygenOS - new and modern OS based on Android from OnePlusUnusual maneuvers occur in the world Android. The original version of the system is getting better with each release. But the course of its development does not suit everybody. Authors CyanogenMod, for example, recently expressed the desire to “take away” from the Google platform. Establish an independent fork.

Ironically, in the same way with Cyanogen decided to do the developers OnePlus. In their smartphone One, as you know, a long time was the aforementioned “firmware”.

Now a popular mod is finished. Soon, the company integrates into their gadgets different system. What? Own – OxygenOS.

OnePlus did not invent anything from scratch, and converted the Android 5.0 Lollipop. So much so that I had to shell their own “name”.

Why was it necessary to take such a step? Blame conflict with the team CyanogenMod. To no longer depend on the organization, the creators of One undertook proprietary platform.OxygenOS - new and modern OS based on Android from OnePlus

If you believe their words, OxygenOS will be less limited than the famous fashion. No specifics, however, is not. Promised no unnecessary frills and features, as well as full adjustability.

Said that mean in practice? Learn 12 of February. It was on this day scheduled presentation of the OS.

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