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HTC Desire 400 Dual Sim
DavidJan 21, 2014
Lately, I have visited many dual-sim that I even surprised when the device fall into the hands of one card operator. For all the time spent with the 2-in-1, began to...
Review Sony Cyber-Shot QX10. Lens-camera, camera lens or a device for mobile photography?
DavidJan 21, 2014
Mobile photography became popular when the first mobile with built-in cameras. And nobody cares about was that the resolution of VGA, that the quality is poor –...
Nokia’s Android: myth or reality?
DavidJan 20, 2014
Sometimes in life things happen in reality which is simply impossible to believe. Obvious examples of this are the increase in diagonal display smartphones...
Why not take root curved smartphones on the market?
DavidJan 20, 2014
Amaze. Breathtaking. Cause a desire to leave a good sum for a new device – that’s what so eager to electronics manufacturers, and the realization of this...