Pandora radio included in the list of applications for Apple Watch

Pandora radio included in the list of applications for Apple Watch

Pandora radio included in the list of applications for Apple Watch

Appendix American Pandora Internet radio allow you to control music through Apple Watch. Pandora is more than 81.5 million monthly listeners. Is the largest online music streaming service on the Internet. This radio works on the principle: you add artists that you like. And in turn the radio picks you similar artists and their composition.

The first streaming music service announced the launch of the application for the device in his blog.

The application provides users with “Apple device” ability to adjust the volume, composition put on pause, skip tunes, switch tracks and see what is playing on the iPhone, on his watch.

 The company also recalled that the radio has been available to users of the first iPhone, which came out in 2007. And for owners of iPad, which appeared in 2010.

Cross-platform support is very important for online music services. Since this area is large in the role of competition. Pandora still leads because of compatibility with TVs and game consoles.

Source: DigitalTrends

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