Home Search results for Apple (Page 81)
Search for: Apple
How to create a wallpaper with parallax effect on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
DavidOct 03, 2013
It would be strange if Apple does not try to add something fun and exciting in its new operating system, iOS 7. In particular, the revival of the interface of the new...
iPhone will be able to inform about the earthquake
DavidOct 03, 2013
Modern smartphones are often equipped with accelerometers. These small chips helped define the smartphone screen orientation and position in the smartphone space....
Toshiba’s TransferJet can transfer videos from your phone to a computer at a rate of 560 Mbit / s
DavidOct 02, 2013
Toshiba introduced its first TransferJet project this year at CES, but then took a long pause , and we kind of forgot about the small adapter that allows you to transfer...
iWatch will have a flexible OLED-display with a diagonal of 1.3-1.5 inches
DavidOct 01, 2013
Apple wants to be a pioneer in a new segment of wearable computers. A revolution in the market of multimedia players, and then – phones in Cupertino want to repeat...