Solar-powered plane went round the world flight

Solar-powered plane went round the world flight

Solar-powered plane went round the world flight

Solar Impulse plane 2, a solar-powered, traveled around the world. It is expected that in the five months he will overcome the distance length of 35 thousand kilometers.

They’re way innovative ship began March 9, flying from Abu Dhabi and landed in the capital of Oman – Muscat. Evening of March 10, the unit landed in the Indian city of Ahmedabad.

Where to next? First in China. Then he will fly to the Pacific Ocean and “visit” the United States. In European countries Solar Impulse 2 also peep. Total route includes 12 landings. Alas, in the airspace of the Russian Federation will not enter the unit, said the organizers.

Solar-powered plane went round the world flight

The aircraft is an upgraded model of the first Solar Impulse. The project presented a year ago – in March 2014. During the past 12 months were carried out test trials. Wingspan car reaches 72 meters, weighs about 2.3 tons.

Four electric engine aircraft are powered by 17,000 solar cells. The cruising speed of the aircraft is 140 km / h. Electric condensers are able to maintain a height of 8500 m overnight.

Source: NBCnews

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