Steve Wozniak disappointed iPhone 5c

The famous co-founder of Apple recently frequent speaker criticized the corporation from Cupertino. Steve Wozniak not only named Macintosh «miserable» computer, but even expressed his displeasure tax strategy of the company. Therefore, after the presentation of iPhone 5s and 5c British newspaper journalists WiredUK not miss the opportunity once again to know the opinion of Steve’s new smartphones.

According to Wozniak, iPhone 5c he was not impressed. At the same time, Steve did not rule out that the smartphone will find a potential buyer, and will be in demand all over the world. And the latest statistics on sales of new iPhone for the first three days – a clear confirmation.

Previously, co-founder of Apple spoke about the need to create an iPhone for the Chinese market . Then he offered the technology giant to drop the name «iPhone» in the production budget model and create a completely new product. Probably 5c disappointment due to the fact that Apple once again ignored his advice.

After the announcement of the iPhone 5c analysts were treated to a smartphone very skeptical, largely because of its high price. When in the course of the summer, experts have argued that the “budget» iPhone will cost $ 350, Apple has decided to sell it for $ 550. Nevertheless, the excitement around 5c is observed in many countries since the start of pre-orders.

Wozniak admitted that most of all he is waiting for Apple’s presentation smart iWatch hours . In his opinion, it should not be an accessory like the Galaxy Gear from Samsung, and a full standalone product that can be used without a smartphone from Apple.

As for the iPhone 5s, then here Steve was cool. He does not consider the presence of a fingerprint scanner and an improved camera with a processor enough to wear smart prefix «s».

By the way, Woz spoke very positively about the “smart” glasses Google Glass and said that would buy myself a pair.

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