Suit for training with the electrodes will increase the effectiveness of your training

Suit for training with the electrodes will increase the effectiveness of your training

Suit for training with the electrodes will increase the effectiveness of your training

New suit to perform workouts Antelope, fully stocked electrodes for all muscle groups has recently been developed and presented in order to increase the intensity of your workouts in the gym walls and other forms of development of their physical abilities. Wearable Life Science, German new company, which is engaged in the development of this new suit, says that 20-minute workout with Antelope could be as efficient and productive as three hours of physical activity without it.

This is – a bold statement, you know, but Wearable Life Science is not afraid to throw these words, and how they describe their novelty is impressive.

Perhaps, indeed, this market was not yet. Rather than simply record and report related data gym, as is often the case with many costumes and electronic equipment components, Antelope actually does with the information collected all the analytical work and provides the user with a detailed report with recommendations.

Suit for training with the electrodes will increase the effectiveness of your training

Suit focused on stimulating the various muscles again depending on the type and intensity of exercise. This is reminiscent of the process by which the brain in a matter of seconds instructs its periphery to perform an action. Of course, in a slightly simplified form.

Elegant garments are based on the technology of electric stimulation of muscles (EMS), which is widely used in physical therapy to restore the affected muscles in action. Usain Bolt as the number of athletes who are known to have used clothes EMS in the past, so you can judge for yourself the effectiveness of this kind of technology.

Source: Marcpro

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