Raqwe » Amplifier Krell Vanguard https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 Amplifier Krell Vanguard review: This powerful and so different Krell https://www.raqwe.com/amplifier-krell-vanguard-review-powerful-krell/ https://www.raqwe.com/amplifier-krell-vanguard-review-powerful-krell/#comments Sun, 29 Mar 2015 14:08:17 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=25030 Whatever you say, quite tempting for a relatively small sum to become the owner of the amplifier from one of the pillars of the American reinforcement industry. And even if someone will notice that, in spite of the sculptural detail of the logo, the device has a bit too simple and professional appearance, workmanship Vanguard is not in doubt. Inside you’ll find a bunch of branded recipes used in high-end preamp and monoblocks firm: cascades directly connected to current technology adaptive bias iBias, combines the advantages of Class A with the economy and uncommon (especially for integrated amplifiers) capacity. As many as 200 watts into 8 ohms and exactly twice […]

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Amplifier Krell Vanguard review: This powerful and so different Krell

Whatever you say, quite tempting for a relatively small sum to become the owner of the amplifier from one of the pillars of the American reinforcement industry. And even if someone will notice that, in spite of the sculptural detail of the logo, the device has a bit too simple and professional appearance, workmanship Vanguard is not in doubt. Inside you’ll find a bunch of branded recipes used in high-end preamp and monoblocks firm: cascades directly connected to current technology adaptive bias iBias, combines the advantages of Class A with the economy and uncommon (especially for integrated amplifiers) capacity. As many as 200 watts into 8 ohms and exactly twice (400 watts into 4 ohms) – this unit can charge virtually any speaker. In this compact amp, though because of the huge transformer is very heavy, and significantly heats – despite the forced ventilation system.

USB plug in our device is not yet involved – for the functioning of the amplifier must be equipped with a digital board

We have become accustomed to the sound of the equipment significantly improve specific network cables, air conditioners and regenerators (surprising as we had without them), but sometimes the changes are so unpredictable that puzzle.

Amplifier Krell Vanguard review: This powerful and so different Krell

When you connect to the network without any devices in the “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Mussorgsky amplifier produces reliable, energetic, but rather dirty sound. Try to replace the stock power cord on Music Wire and get a completely different design. “Motets” Bach can be heard as if through a strong magnifying glass focused in the middle of the range: surprise unusual abundance of details, excellent separation of the vote together with the clarity of tone and timbre of each artist. However, in large-scale works, “Appassionata” by Beethoven and “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Mussorgsky outstanding quiet study fragments combined with a strange passivity in dynamic. Vanguard try to connect using the same network for Music Wire regenerator PS Audio PowerPlant P3 ($ 3800): attention apparatus was uniformly distributed both in the entire frequency range, quiet items do not disappear, but take place proportionate compared to loud. Is it possible to do without so much away? Instead of Music Wire connect Tchernov Cable Original AC ($ 115), and a miracle – even from the outlet sound clear and clean, with great energy. So, with the regenerator will be even better – we think, but alas: the combination Tchernov – PS Audio surprises us lethargy and lifeless. In general, if you happen to listen to this amplifier – do not jump to conclusions …

Behind the back – Amplifier Krell Vanguard

Plug hiding place to install the board DAC, which involves multiple interfaces, including traditional coaxial and optical digital inputs, USB, HDMI, Ethernet (to play music from UPnP-server) and even Bluetooth-enabled Apt-X. However, until the card is not yet ready, the amplifier offers a balanced and three conventional analog inputs – both options we liked equally. We were afraid of the noise from the rear-mounted fans, but in our sample had only heard the buzz huge toroidal transformer.

On the other hand, if you establish a relationship with food, amplifier demonstrates admirable versatility and genre omnivorous. As in the classical symphonic and chamber works, as well as blues, rock and electronic records Krell equally talented: energetic, rhythmically assembled adequately conveys the scale recording and its nuances. He is not only more powerful than comparable machines for the price, but in all other respects sounds more convincing.

Price: $ 6900

Pros: Large-scale performance in conjunction with the detailed middle; compact and powerful

Cons: Too picky about the quality of the network and power cables

Verdict: Make it a good diet, and it will give you a well-controlled and sophisticated sound

Source: Krellonline

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