Raqwe » Apple Beats https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 Music million. Does Google buys streaming service Songza? https://www.raqwe.com/music-million-google-buys-streaming-service-songza/ https://www.raqwe.com/music-million-google-buys-streaming-service-songza/#comments Thu, 12 Jun 2014 05:02:49 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=14345 Sometimes large corporations are similar. Most recently, Apple acquired streaming music Beats for U.S. $ 3 billion. And now, according to rumors, Google also plans to buy a streaming service, Songza, but much cheaper – “only” 15 million U.S. dollars. Kupertinovskaya more generous or company search giant is more economical? Modern man likes to have fun, and especially listening to music. And high-tech companies, realizing this, want an audience favorite songs came from them. Music accompanies man throughout. Even before the advent of digital devices were quite popular cassette player. Then they were replaced by the iPod and other MP3-player. Over time, all possibilities have become media player phone, and […]

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Sometimes large corporations are similar. Most recently, Apple acquired streaming music Beats for U.S. $ 3 billion. And now, according to rumors, Google also plans to buy a streaming service, Songza, but much cheaper – “only” 15 million U.S. dollars. Kupertinovskaya more generous or company search giant is more economical?

Modern man likes to have fun, and especially listening to music. And high-tech companies, realizing this, want an audience favorite songs came from them. Music accompanies man throughout. Even before the advent of digital devices were quite popular cassette player. Then they were replaced by the iPod and other MP3-player. Over time, all possibilities have become media player phone, and the need for a separate device to play music anymore. Although today’s compact MP3-players retained a certain demand. After all, the weak point is the smartphone battery and listen to music lovers everywhere and always willing to save its charge for communication and navigation on the web.

Millions of users and millions of dollars


Edgar Cervantes citing “anonymous source” reports for resource Android Authority that Google reportedly in talks to acquire Songza, although it may not find attractive offer. For Songza, rumored asking $ 15 million. The price is just symbolic, given that the estimated value of the company competitors, Spotify and Pandora, are respectively about 4 and $ 5 billion.

Yes, Songza is not as strong as its powerful rivals, but this service can modestly boasts five and a half million active users. It is a little, but not too small. For comparison, Pandora 77 million users, while Spotify – 10 million. But the question is not whether the search giant will get cheap Songza. Many would like to understand why the company needed a developer Android streaming music service?

Modern music service – it’s not just about technology and songs, it is primarily the audience. Millions of users who use a particular musical platform.

Why service Songza need of Google?


Response to a very similar question was previously given by Apple CEO Tim Cook as an explanation of the reasons for which tehnogigant bought Beats. Music – is too important a part of human culture, to a large company could not pay attention to this segment. Maybe Google has other reasons to be interested streaming service? And it Songza?

Music subscription service All Access from Google Play may appeal to those who are looking for complete collections of songs and albums. You can find there almost all the music, but streaming radio service in this solution is not enough. That is, those features that are known to Songza, the search giant had not.

The service offers music not only on similar artists and musical genres, but also gives the opportunity to choose depending on the mood and ambience. This means that the user can select the “station” on the situation: “busy working in the office”, “wanting to relax,” “dismissed.” And offer to begin broadcasting service selection, which most closely matches the mood and situation.

But this acquisition could be something more than the perfection of musical possibilities Google. Thanks to such a service person can discover previously unknown favorite songs. It is for this reason that service Pandora has become so popular. He is unpredictable, and it’s uplifting! “Google” All Access needs it.

However, while it is only anecdotal and nobody confirmed information. Just rumors. Although rumors about the acquisition by Apple Beats also preceded the actual purchase. But sometimes rumors and rumors and are scattered like the morning mist. And sometimes they “harden”, incarnated in reality. And you can never be sure how it will this time.

And how do you feel about that person recommends music machine “mind”? Is it true that people in need of advice about the electronics that listen to or watch, what to read and how to get involved? Whether the acquisition will strengthen Google’s position Songza or would not produce any significant impact?

The post Music million. Does Google buys streaming service Songza? appeared first on Raqwe.

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