Raqwe » Panasonic Lumix GF5 https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5 https://www.raqwe.com/review-camera-panasonic-lumix-gf5/ https://www.raqwe.com/review-camera-panasonic-lumix-gf5/#comments Thu, 29 Aug 2013 13:02:34 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=5534 When in 2008 was announced the Micro 4/3, as one of its major advantages declared to be able to create a really small camera with a relatively large matrix. Panasonic GF5 – the same pattern. In line with the index, Panasonic GF is inexpensive and easy-to-use devices. GF5 will join the world of digital photos in just a little over three thousand hryvnia – the same or even have to spend a large sum for a top-end compact camera with a non-replaceable lens. Design and usability Panasonic GF5 combines many of the advanced features of more expensive and bulky fellow with almost miniature size and light weight (270 grams with […]

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Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-01

When in 2008 was announced the Micro 4/3, as one of its major advantages declared to be able to create a really small camera with a relatively large matrix. Panasonic GF5 – the same pattern.

In line with the index, Panasonic GF is inexpensive and easy-to-use devices. GF5 will join the world of digital photos in just a little over three thousand hryvnia – the same or even have to spend a large sum for a top-end compact camera with a non-replaceable lens.

Design and usability

Panasonic GF5 combines many of the advanced features of more expensive and bulky fellow with almost miniature size and light weight (270 grams with battery, without optics). If, instead of the standard package, which includes a 14-42 mm lens, camera and only purchase one separately from the “pancakes”, then turns and does a handheld solution.

Despite its small size (108 x 67 x 37 mm), the body is well kept with one hand thanks to a reasonable thickness, the palm and the thumb tab on the front panel covered with textured rubber-like material under the skin. Although the phone has two tabs for the shoulder strap, without it you can (using a small lens) to do, replacing light carpal loop.

Simplicity – one of the advantages GF5. It is not overloaded with controls that are confused by untrained amateur. On the body rendered only the necessary buttons. The top panel of this descent, Video recording and Superintellektualny mode.

On the rear – also three buttons plus a five-way joystick with a selection wheel options. The joystick handed down important options – input compensation, change the white balance, focus mode selection and drawing.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-02

Flash is raised by hand button. It is located above the optical axis of the lens, although not far from it. The design allows easy (his left hand) to reject the lamp, directing the light output at an angle to the subject (even in the ceiling), which to some extent helps to avoid harsh shadows characteristic of the photos taken with the built-in flash light with no modifiers.

The screen is made by technology TFT, a three-inch touchscreen with 920K pixels. He firmly integrated into the rear panel, which in most cases is compensated almost maximum viewing angles. High sensitivity to touch, accuracy – sufficient for the job, although the screen and resistive.

Menus and Modes

The control system is optimized for touch-screen display. Near the right edge, there are two “hot” area, working as a programmable button. If one choose to assign the sensitivity matrix, and on the other – Metering mode, you get a great gentleman’s set for those who like to keep everything under control.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-04

In addition to a full menu GF5 is also short, with user-configurable menu. In each slot you can put frequently used items.

However, the simplicity of Panasonic GF5 – apparent. Via the OSD menu – just one touch – you can switch the unit into one of the priority or full manual mode set the exposure. 

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The phone has three slots for saving shortcuts and user settings, allowing just two touches to reverse all the shooting. Unfortunately, they only numbered and the photographer has to rely solely on your memory, while the screen is still plenty of room for a brief listing.

If you change the shutter speed or aperture value is displayed on the screen matches the scale that allows you to see the second parameter ekspopary and assess their impact on the nature of the transmission of motion and depth of field.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-03

And yet, this product is designed for beginners. For them superintellektualnom mode (iA +) provides additional control. One controls the blur the background (read – the diaphragm), the second – the overall brightness (exposure compensation), the third – tone frame (almost white balance, only one – blue and red – axis.).


In Panasonic GF5 installed 13-megapixel CMOS-matrix size 17,3 x 13 mm, which provides an image of 4000 x 3000 pixels.

Shutter speeds ranging from 1/4000 to 60 seconds. The burst speed is 4 k / s at full resolution, or 3 c / s in Live View. Length of the series in RAW – 5 frames in JPEG – until the memory card (if it does not impose a limit on the write speed of the buffer).

Focusing is performed on the basis of information about the borders of contrasting objects. The device can independently choose one or more of the AF pixels 23 which are arranged at a substantial part of the frame. The touch screen allows you to specify arbitrary point in the image (and, if appropriate configuration snapshot will be performed immediately after achieving focus).

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In the tests, the device showed good speed and accuracy of autofocus. The manufacturer strongly emphasizes the dignity of the contrast method. At least in terms of the ability to choose any area of ​​the frame, these statements are true. Is also supported by the identification of persons and tracking of moving objects.

In addition to single-frame and continuous autofocus is intermediate, Flexible – the unit when the shutter button Descent normally blocks the focus on the subject, but at this point if the subject moves, the camera will refocus to keep it in the zone of sharpness.

In manual mode for more accurate focusing device magnifies the image from four to ten times. In Panasonic GF5 such regimes are actually two. The first – the usual – the whole screen, and you can control both the scale and position of the enlarged section in the frame. Second – in my opinion, more useful – a fourfold increase fragment is only part of the screen, allowing you to simultaneously see the limits of the future frame and the sharpness.

A set of presets for different kinds of stories in the Panasonic GF5 is very interesting, especially for evening and night shooting. Besides the usual portrait on the background of the city lights have several options sunsets, the night sky, track lights, etc.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-07

Setting the white balance GF5 produces a mixed impression. To unqualified include two slots for custom settings (and ease of capture procedure). But the lack of presets for lyuministsetnyh lamps that are energy-efficient incarnations have become quite popular, it seems odd.

The device can identify up to 6 people. Recognized person receive a certain priority when choosing the exposure and focus.

In Panasonic GF5 can also create three profiles – a couple of children, one – for a pet. Along with the file name will be written (in case you suddenly forget it) and age (very useful – there is no need to calculate feverishly “and how much he / she was then”). Unfortunately, these EXIF ​​data is not stored and are visible only when viewed on the screen of the camera.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-09

Panasonic GF5 video capabilities have been enhanced over its predecessor. The unit is recording Full HD-video at up to 60 frame / s. 60 frame / s progressive scan can be set when shooting HD-video. Stream is stored in either AVCHD or MPEG4 format with high or medium bit rate.

Sound recording microphone pair, but the location can not be considered the best – are both at the left (viewed from the operator) of the upper panel, wherein one – on the bevel compartment flash. Of course, they have a wide omnidirectional, but for the owner of a beautiful mind, symmetric with respect to the lens, the placement would be preferable.

Quality shooting

Let us consider the results of the survey. Downloads and careful self-examination are here .

The combination of Live MOS-chip and the Venus has been very successful, especially given the current low price of the device.

In light lenses nesvetosilnyh question the value of the maximum working ISO is very important. Panasonic GF5 records as JPEG, and RAW-files, but the practical use of the latter requires a certain level of training for novice photographer and not always comprehensible.

When shooting in JPEG 3200 to raise the sensitivity of the above is inappropriate. Even at this value artifacts are noticeable, but they can still be tolerated. In dark places, preferably not exceed the threshold of ISO 1600, though for screen display and sharing over the Internet 3200 (assuming no significant plot in the frame textures) to a certain extent is acceptable.

Review of Camera Panasonic Lumix GF5-raqwe.com-10

If we use the information from the RAW, then the shots taken at ISO 6400 can be used after treatment in a graphics editor. Yes, the noise of them are, but his character is not annoying, and from a distance may resemble film. It is encouraging that the details are retained. The noise is more luminance than chromatic character.

Extreme value – ISO 12800 – gives a surprisingly useful results. Of course, the dynamic range is significantly narrowed, noise noticeable but not unpleasant color of porridge, and a decrease shots are quite reasonable, especially for on-screen viewing. The best part – even in low light conditions RAW saves a lot of useful information.

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Relight in two stages damaging to the yellow flowers. Increase the saturation does not give anything useful.

Underexposure in two stages almost critical. At three stages of growth is noticeable noise, and quite significant.

White balance Panasonic GF5 work interesting. Machine gives a measure of the neutral picture under incandescent light, but the corresponding preset – several warm. Claims to work by natural light there.

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The dynamic range (do not forget, this is a camera with a matrix of the Micro 4/3) – wide. Still life on a test can distinguish between all the cells of the gray scale, and, more significantly, on black and white NITC distinguishable parts. By ISO 1600 marked narrowing, but in general – is acceptable.

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Video on the big screen looks attractive. Picture lively, juicy. For those who like to experiment, to inform you that creative effects work with the video, but the frame rate is not always standard.


So, let’s sum up. Panasonic Lumix GF5 – inexpensive and compact, even by the standards of the Micro 4/3 unit. It is simple to use and does not confuse the novice photographer. Experienced the same menu can make the necessary adjustments to the implementation of the popular effects. The quality of images will satisfy both of them, if you observe moderation in improving sensitivity. Opportunity to purchase a variety of optics distinguishes GF5 from compact cameras top-class.


+ Compact
+ Ease of management
+ Wealth of options
+ Good choice of optics

Do not like it

– Not the best results in the increased sensitivity

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