Raqwe » Robotics https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 NASA experts have discussed two new promising projects https://www.raqwe.com/nasa-experts-discussed-promising-projects/ https://www.raqwe.com/nasa-experts-discussed-promising-projects/#comments Sat, 28 Dec 2013 06:28:34 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=12084   It was learned that NASA experts are currently working on the implementation of two rather interesting projects. First – this is a project to create a new generation rover that does not have wheels or caterpillar tracks, and consists of rods and cables, built on the principle of tensegrity. The second task, which went to researchers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is to develop an efficient method for controlling robots using points Oculus Rift and Kinect sensor 2. It is noted that the combined in a seamless design rods and cables, of which mainly consists rover new generation can be controlled by multiple motors. Engines are responsible for […]

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It was learned that NASA experts are currently working on the implementation of two rather interesting projects. First – this is a project to create a new generation rover that does not have wheels or caterpillar tracks, and consists of rods and cables, built on the principle of tensegrity. The second task, which went to researchers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is to develop an efficient method for controlling robots using points Oculus Rift and Kinect sensor 2.

It is noted that the combined in a seamless design rods and cables, of which mainly consists rover new generation can be controlled by multiple motors. Engines are responsible for compression or stretching of the structural elements, resulting in a change in the shape and the rover can be pumped to the surface of the Moon or other celestial objects. According to the researchers, the rover this type not only takes up very little space inside the spacecraft, but can be reset on the planet’s surface with sufficiently large height and remain intact.

The following video allows you to see the principle of operation of such rovers in detail.

The results of the JPL team are no less impressive. Just a few days they were able to combine a virtual reality goggles Oculus Rift and motion capture Kinect sensor 2 in a single hardware platform for remote control robot arm. In an interview with the resource Engadget JPL engineers said that Oculus Rift Kinect 2 and allowed to create “the most exciting to date interface” remote control of robots.

At this stage, the researchers were able to develop a technology that allows you to conveniently manage only one robot arm. However, in the future it will help to subdue the entire robot. The first technology to be adapted to such robots as Robonaut 2, which is currently on board the ISS.

The video below is able to give a more clear idea about the new development JPL.

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Owned by Google robot SCHAFT won the first stage of the competition DARPA Robotics Challenge https://www.raqwe.com/owned-google-robot-schaft-won-stage-competition-darpa-robotics-challenge/ https://www.raqwe.com/owned-google-robot-schaft-won-stage-competition-darpa-robotics-challenge/#comments Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:01:08 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=11953 A few days ago, there was one of the main events of the year in the field of robotics – summarizing competitions DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). The competition was attended by 16 robots developed by teams of researchers from around the world. The winner was named member of the jury on the basis of compliance with the mandatory program, which consisted of eight different tasks: driving, crossing the bricks, climbing stairs, overcoming landslides, passage doors, passage walls, twisting valves and hose connection to the connector. So, the table of results is as follows: For successful execution of tasks to each robot awarded a maximum of four points. In this case […]

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A few days ago, there was one of the main events of the year in the field of robotics – summarizing competitions DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC).

The competition was attended by 16 robots developed by teams of researchers from around the world. The winner was named member of the jury on the basis of compliance with the mandatory program, which consisted of eight different tasks: driving, crossing the bricks, climbing stairs, overcoming landslides, passage doors, passage walls, twisting valves and hose connection to the connector.

So, the table of results is as follows:


For successful execution of tasks to each robot awarded a maximum of four points. In this case the maximum grade did not affect how fast the robot cope with the task. It was necessary only to invest in the allotted to each task 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, grants for further development and modernization of their robots Agency Defense Advanced Research Projects USA (DARPA) will receive only the first eight teams. Their decisions come together again in the final battle in the contest DRC in 2014. It is worth noting that the losing team will also be able to take part in the finals, but the source of funding for the improvement of robots they have a look for yourself.

Eight finalists DRC is as follows:

  2. IHMC Robotics
  3. Tartan Rescue
  4. MIT
  5. RoboSimian
  6. Team TRACLabs
  7. WRECS
  8. Team TROOPER

According to DARPA, each of these teams can count on grant of up to $ 1 million, of course, it all depends on the conditions of the contract.

Best with the specific task coped following robots:

  • driving: WRECS;
  • transition on the bricks: SCHAFT;
  • climbing stairs: SCHAFT;
  • overcoming collapses: SCHAFT;
  • passage doors: IHMC Robotics;
  • passage walls: IHMC Robotics;
  • twisting valves: THOR;
  • hose connection to the coupling device: SCHAFT.

Best results in most categories showed robot company SCHAFT, owned by Google. Not so long ago, the search giant also acquired Boston Dynamics , developer humanoid robot Atlas and other interesting projects.

SCHAFT robot is based on a HRP-2. It weighs about 100 kg, and height – 1.5 m

By the way, the prize money in the finals DRC, which will be held in December next year, is $ 2 million

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Root robot Cubli, who knows how to balance on the edge https://www.raqwe.com/root-robot-cubli-balance-edge/ https://www.raqwe.com/root-robot-cubli-balance-edge/#comments Mon, 23 Dec 2013 13:10:43 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=11929   In early October of this year, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have managed to create several miniature robots, which had the power to carry out self-assembly. Currently something like that was developed by engineers from ETH Zurich. A device called Cubli performed predominantly in the cubic form of metal elements and contains several flywheels mounted on three faces of a cube, a DC motor, an embedded processor, and a battery in a few sensors. Nova the strength not only to balance on the verge of, or in one of the corners, but also roll unaided. Will Cubli revolutionize robotics and space industry or simply become another […]

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In early October of this year, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have managed to create several miniature robots, which had the power to carry out self-assembly. Currently something like that was developed by engineers from ETH Zurich.

A device called Cubli performed predominantly in the cubic form of metal elements and contains several flywheels mounted on three faces of a cube, a DC motor, an embedded processor, and a battery in a few sensors.

Nova the strength not only to balance on the verge of, or in one of the corners, but also roll unaided.

Will Cubli revolutionize robotics and space industry or simply become another high-tech toy – time will tell.

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Intel futurist spoke about the prospects of creating your own robot at home https://www.raqwe.com/intel-futurist-spoke-prospects-creating-robot-home/ https://www.raqwe.com/intel-futurist-spoke-prospects-creating-robot-home/#comments Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:18:45 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=7372 Currently, the network has quite an interesting mention of the research project, Intel Labs. The project is called Jimmy and is a robot that is made up of components that have been printed with the help of 3D-printer. Intel Futurist Brian David Johnson (Bryan David Johnson) during the event Maker Faire for the first time gave the project the general public. In the video, provided by the resource CBS, you can even see Jimmy, or rather his non-work modification, with my own eyes. Resource AllThingsD notes that the process of programming Jimmy after the assembly is quite simple. Does not matter what program the smart phone. You can also download […]

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Currently, the network has quite an interesting mention of the research project, Intel Labs. The project is called Jimmy and is a robot that is made up of components that have been printed with the help of 3D-printer.

Intel Futurist Brian David Johnson (Bryan David Johnson) during the event Maker Faire for the first time gave the project the general public. In the video, provided by the resource CBS, you can even see Jimmy, or rather his non-work modification, with my own eyes.


Resource AllThingsD notes that the process of programming Jimmy after the assembly is quite simple. Does not matter what program the smart phone. You can also download software created by other users. In this case, the installation process will not differ from the usual applications to run on iOS-and Android-powered devices.

According to Johnson, the main goal at the moment is to create a special set of tools costing less than $ 1,000, which will be available until May 2014. Until that time, he hopes to reduce the cost of a set of up to $ 500.

Users in New York City, where the event takes place, can obtain a free book entitled «21st Century Robot», which includes open-source component drawings robot.

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The futuristic concept of Mab, which will eliminate the dust at the molecular level https://www.raqwe.com/futuristic-concept-mab-eliminate-dust-molecular-level/ https://www.raqwe.com/futuristic-concept-mab-eliminate-dust-molecular-level/#comments Fri, 06 Sep 2013 11:43:24 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=6126 The concept of Mab, presented at the annual design competition Electrolux Design Lab 2013, as if descended from the pages of science fiction novels. But despite the aggressive design – this is an absolutely peaceful apparatus to take a fresh look at the process of cleaning the apartment. This year, Electrolux Design Lab participants were tasked to develop a theme “Inspiration of urban life” in three categories: cooking, cleaning the air and a casual cleaning. It chose the third category of industrial design student at the university in the city of Medellin, Colombia, Adrian Perez Zapata (Adrian Perez Zapata). His concept is called Mab, and provides for the creation of […]

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The concept of Mab, presented at the annual design competition Electrolux Design Lab 2013, as if descended from the pages of science fiction novels. But despite the aggressive design – this is an absolutely peaceful apparatus to take a fresh look at the process of cleaning the apartment.

futuristic-concept-mab-eliminate-dust-molecular-level-raqwe.com-03This year, Electrolux Design Lab participants were tasked to develop a theme “Inspiration of urban life” in three categories: cooking, cleaning the air and a casual cleaning. It chose the third category of industrial design student at the university in the city of Medellin, Colombia, Adrian Perez Zapata (Adrian Perez Zapata). His concept is called Mab, and provides for the creation of intelligent system consisting of thousands of tiny robots. Judging by the images, the system Mab looks like a huge beehive, in which the role of bees perform a mini-robots.


The system uses a spherical nucleus, in which users need to download the water and chemicals. The resulting cleaning fluid is distributed among 908 mini-robots, equipped with rotors. After each of them will receive their portion of the special funds, the whole team goes to scan a room or a house for dust and dirt, cleaning different surfaces in its path. According to the authors of the concept, each of the robots pick up dirt and dust particles and carries them back to the core. In the nucleus contains special filters which purify the water and allow to reuse it. Robots are powered by solar panels located on the wings. 

futuristic-concept-mab-eliminate-dust-molecular-level-raqwe.com-05Design Director of Electrolux and chairman of the jury, Thomas Johansson (Thomas Johansson) called the system “quite a brave decision, which simulates the operation of the bees.”

futuristic-concept-mab-eliminate-dust-molecular-level-raqwe.com-02Under the concept, users will have the option to schedule cleaning cycles premises, use of robots Mab only for certain areas, as well as to manage the system from their mobile devices.

Already in September Finalists Electrolux Design Lab 2013, we hope to be among them, and the project Colombian student. The prize for first place in the competition – 5,000 euros and 6 months paid internship at the Center for Design Electrolux.

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