Raqwe » Social Networks https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 Opening Creative District of Technicolor. The new social network for filmmakers https://www.raqwe.com/opening-creative-district-technicolor-social-network-filmmakers/ https://www.raqwe.com/opening-creative-district-technicolor-social-network-filmmakers/#comments Wed, 07 May 2014 11:09:20 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=13644 Twitter, VK, FB, LinkedIn, G+, MySpace, Classmates. A tired list. Although, I think the point is you still understand – now it is difficult to imagine a world without social networking. They – the new boom of modernity, which largely helps us. Through social networks, we can look for a job, listen to music and watch movies for free, chat with friends and colleagues, share their thoughts and many others. And when seemingly place another social network is simply not there, the company Technicolor took and created just such – Creative District . Try to look at it from the inside and understand what it is so attractive, and for […]

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Twitter, VK, FB, LinkedIn, G+, MySpace, Classmates. A tired list. Although, I think the point is you still understand – now it is difficult to imagine a world without social networking. They – the new boom of modernity, which largely helps us. Through social networks, we can look for a job, listen to music and watch movies for free, chat with friends and colleagues, share their thoughts and many others.

And when seemingly place another social network is simply not there, the company Technicolor took and created just such – Creative District . Try to look at it from the inside and understand what it is so attractive, and for whom it will be primarily of interest.


The target audience of this creation – filmmakers in all its manifestations. This gay for those who just love to make a movie at all its stages, who can not imagine my life without clips, who loves tinkering sound, remove or spend hours at the cutting table.

After you go to the site , you will be greeted laconic inscription «Creative District. Showcase. Collaborate. Create» and two buttons – Play and Win $ 5000. The second will be back a little later. The first is responsible for the small videotutorial – it really informative and interesting, I advise you to look at.


Slightly lower – About Us. It then explains that this service is for creative people who like to create and movies.

Through this social network, you can not only communicate with like-minded people, but also to find projects that require your participation. If desired, you can create your project where you just specify that you need, for example, sound, film editor and colorist. And wait for an answer.


Registration is simple. You can simply click on Login with Facebook” and did not worry about tons of new mail.

After registering you get to the main page, where a minimalist flat tape displayed projects.


When switching to one of these displays information about the movie itself, a brief description, stage work needed and people responsible for the project. By the way, this is where you can send an email to join the project. It should say that here you can view and short Demoreel / trailer.


If you somehow are not satisfied with the popular (new, maybe. I did not understand how to get to the main projects) offer, you can always use the search, which is accessible from the left side menu. For example, searches are available for projects or trades people. Yes, cities can be searched.


Proceed to the personal account. Then he utterly laconic. Or rather, its sole function, in addition to the basic settings, is the creation of his own project. Create easier – you just follow the tutorial small, fill all required fields and get a profit.


It is here necessary to return to Win $ 5000. Unfortunately, this grand work only in the U.S. and only for women, but still it works. The meaning is as follows: The American Film Institute has a program to improve the quality level of generated media (ie, movies) content created especially women. And decided to support posleny monetary compensation in 5000 dollars for a good representative of the fairer sex film. As for me, not bad.

At this end the possibility of a social network.


I, being naturally curious person, I decided to not just ask me why such a social network in Ukraine, but what I can do with it. Your project, I, of course, did not create. But here when searching for jobs, I noticed that it takes quite a lot of colorists, VFX-professionals and video editors. Without thinking, I wrote three letters in projects that interest me. As a result, all three I was told, and the leadership of one of the projects, communicated little, even share a trial installation material, which is, in fact, interview for a job.



What am I doing? After all no one did not prevent exchange working materials by sharing services, and payment – by PayPal. And even if it does not become the main income, but still join beautiful art and make some money too important. And considering the fact that the presence of projects depends only on us, then eventually this social platform can easily become an important part of the creative work.

And what do you think about Creative District are you?

The post Opening Creative District of Technicolor. The new social network for filmmakers appeared first on Raqwe.

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5 facts about mobile photos that you did not know https://www.raqwe.com/5-facts-mobile-photos/ https://www.raqwe.com/5-facts-mobile-photos/#comments Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:24:00 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=13028 Currently, smart phones are extremely popular, and then, of course, there’s a reason. It is the universality of our pocket companions, through which we can count on their help, even in the most unexpected situations. Find a nearby eatery with Japanese cuisine? Easily. Learn how tall is your favorite basketball player? This is what I do. Impress your friends at the ceremony of “Oscar”? I have been taught. The last mentioned feature, by the way, deserves a separate discussion. Camera phones, because of its compactness, changed the essence of the concept of “picture.” Do you know how many shots created every second? Let us rather a look at the least […]

The post 5 facts about mobile photos that you did not know appeared first on Raqwe.


Currently, smart phones are extremely popular, and then, of course, there’s a reason. It is the universality of our pocket companions, through which we can count on their help, even in the most unexpected situations. Find a nearby eatery with Japanese cuisine? Easily. Learn how tall is your favorite basketball player? This is what I do. Impress your friends at the ceremony of “Oscar”? I have been taught. The last mentioned feature, by the way, deserves a separate discussion. Camera phones, because of its compactness, changed the essence of the concept of “picture.” Do you know how many shots created every second? Let us rather a look at the least curious facts better.

On that photograph?

It is no secret that the population of our planet recently exceeded the mark of 7.1 billion people. Perhaps, to shake hands with each of them would need to spend more than a decade. However, the number of camera phones is not much behind: according to research firm Treat, currently the world in active use is about 4.4 billion camera phones. This, of course, not exactly characterizes the sum of their owners: many, as well as I have multiple devices.

Share of smartphones in them also deserves attention. Number of smart phones than 1.14 million copies.

How many are there?

The number is already loaded in the various social networks shots simply crazy. For example, the most popular network called Facebook has about 140 billion photos, while the share flickr and Instagram noticeably smaller. The vast number of shots last power 8.5 and 1.1 billion respectively. 


How much will it?

In case, if you read the above text miraculously took exactly one minute – congratulations. During this period of time the tiny spaces of the World Wide Web replenished approximately 733,000 images. How many of them nabezhit for the whole day? 1.05 billion.

It is noteworthy that 208,000 of them will be uploaded to Facebook, and almost 28 thousand – in Instagram.

Why do it?

For each different. However, in the majority of people make snapshots to further download and store them on your computer. The share of photographers is 37.5 percent. Somewhat less – only 23 percent – imprint moments to load them in social networks, and 22.5 percent of photos taken and did not leave spaces phones. 


Who is ahead?

The title of absolute champion on the number of megapixels have built 2 smartphone from the Finnish manufacturer Nokia. Lumia 808 PureView 1020 and can boast 41 megapixel size images. However, the crown will soon be selected: according to rumors, the Chinese company Oppo for two weeks will introduce 50-megapixel smartphone.


And to which of the above groups you belong? Do not forget to share your answer in the comments.

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