Raqwe » UAV https://www.raqwe.com Hi-tech news Thu, 14 May 2020 10:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.1 Cicada – a one-time spy drone https://www.raqwe.com/cicada-one-time-spy-drone/ https://www.raqwe.com/cicada-one-time-spy-drone/#comments Wed, 20 May 2015 11:35:44 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=26582 Another amusing novelty military. Unusual modification UAV experts have come up with US Naval Research Laboratory (Scientific American Naval Research Laboratory). Let’s look at the device closer. Developers have created a one-time scouting drone. The invention was awarded the “name» Cicada. A very characteristic name hints at the well-known insect. Let’s look at the features of the device. Features of Cicada Talent is the overwhelming mass of cicadas. They unanimously come out of hibernation is all around and at the same time dying. The unit of the US is consistent with this description. Over the territory of a potential enemy will soar hundreds of such machines. It is expected that […]

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Cicada - a one-time spy drone

Another amusing novelty military. Unusual modification UAV experts have come up with US Naval Research Laboratory (Scientific American Naval Research Laboratory). Let’s look at the device closer.

Developers have created a one-time scouting drone. The invention was awarded the “name» Cicada. A very characteristic name hints at the well-known insect. Let’s look at the features of the device.

Features of Cicada

Talent is the overwhelming mass of cicadas. They unanimously come out of hibernation is all around and at the same time dying. The unit of the US is consistent with this description. Over the territory of a potential enemy will soar hundreds of such machines.

It is expected that the enemy will not be able to shoot down all at once. Even if “survive” a few units – that’s good. They were enough to gather the necessary information.

Cicada - a one-time spy drone

Abbreviation Cicada interpreted as follows – Covert Autonomous Disposable Aircraft. The device is designed very simply and is a kind of “airplane” of 10 items.

A key feature is an absolute silence. The design of the engine lacks: it is a glider with a small chip. The invention “dumped” into the atmosphere and it is lowered to the ground. Moreover, not anywhere, but given the coordinates of GPS. Precision landing impressive. In tests, drone took 5 meters from the goal (after 17.7 kilometers). The device is compact, unobtrusive and reliable.
Another plus is relatively cheap (about $ 250 apiece).

Conclusion of Cicada

Which modules can be equipped with Cicada? Authors of the project say that the board is easy to fit a radio microphone. and a magnetic scanner and meteorological equipment (for measuring humidity, temperature or pressure). Another spy “stuff” (like cameras) – on request. There would be a fantasy.

Source: Phys

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VAMP a new aircraft for the study of Venus https://www.raqwe.com/vamp-aircraft-study-venus/ https://www.raqwe.com/vamp-aircraft-study-venus/#comments Sat, 16 May 2015 10:07:04 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=26481 In recent years, scientists have learned a few nice closest to the Earth celestial bodies. On the Moon and Mars, we know quite a lot. But other planets remains a mystery. Let’s look at a new device study the cosmos. One of these mysteries is Venus. Information from the probes that were sent to it is hardly exhaustive. To gather the necessary data required many more missions. It is possible that exercise is said to help VAMP unmanned airplane that went to explore the acid cloud. Let’s look at the basic features of VAMP. Features of the VAMP Said abbreviation stands as follows – Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform. A unique […]

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VAMP a new aircraft for the study of Venus

In recent years, scientists have learned a few nice closest to the Earth celestial bodies. On the Moon and Mars, we know quite a lot. But other planets remains a mystery. Let’s look at a new device study the cosmos.

One of these mysteries is Venus. Information from the probes that were sent to it is hardly exhaustive. To gather the necessary data required many more missions.

It is possible that exercise is said to help VAMP unmanned airplane that went to explore the acid cloud. Let’s look at the basic features of VAMP.

Features of the VAMP

Said abbreviation stands as follows – Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform.

VAMP a new aircraft for the study of Venus

A unique platform for the Venusian atmosphere was created by Northrop Grumman. That’s great – the prototype is ready, test trials will begin in October (until, of course, on Earth).

What is a VAMP? It is a flat “inflatable” aircraft with a wingspan of about 45 meters. The task of the UAV – soar in the sky at a height of 54 to 69 km (by collecting the necessary information).

The payload unit – 200 kg. It will be used to install the sensors, solar panels, cameras, batteries and other equipment.

VAMP a new aircraft for the study of Venus

Of course, Northrop Grumman developed the car for a reason. A multi-million dollar funding for NASA. It is expected that the invention is interested in the US space agency.

Conclusion of the VAMP

However, you first need to beat rivals to win the competition of ideas. Results of the contest will summarize in 4 years.

Source: Engadget

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Lily a new unmanned aerial camera https://www.raqwe.com/lily-unmanned-aerial-camera/ https://www.raqwe.com/lily-unmanned-aerial-camera/#comments Thu, 14 May 2015 09:11:40 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=26432 In light of the unusual has become one of the UAV more. The project is called Lily and a small quadrocopter with a great lens. Let’s take a closer look at the new device. Founders of the project are the talented people, but not too modest. His invention are positioned as “the first summer chamber.” It is not as though the product has turned out interesting. Let’s look at the main features of the camera. Features of the Lily The unit maximum autonomy: Lily after the start of flying by the user (at the same time leading shot the owner). As the machine does not lose sight of the human? […]

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Lily a new unmanned aerial camera

In light of the unusual has become one of the UAV more. The project is called Lily and a small quadrocopter with a great lens. Let’s take a closer look at the new device.

Founders of the project are the talented people, but not too modest. His invention are positioned as “the first summer chamber.” It is not as though the product has turned out interesting. Let’s look at the main features of the camera.

Features of the Lily

The unit maximum autonomy: Lily after the start of flying by the user (at the same time leading shot the owner).
As the machine does not lose sight of the human? With the help of surveillance equipment: accessory required to fix the wrist (like a bracelet) or put it in his pocket. He will not give Lily behind.

Lily a new unmanned aerial camera

Start Lily drone in the air can be in the two accounts. Just turn up and throw. The rest will take the automatic.

The device is able to take photos at resolutions up to 12 megapixels. As for the video, the platform affords rollers 1080p (at a rate of 60 K / s). The number of frames per second, easily double – clicking in 720p mode.

Content is stored on a removable SD. Included is a card of 4 GB, which is easily changed to another.

Lily a new unmanned aerial camera

The maximum speed is 40 km / h. The ceiling height is 15 meters. An important point: Lily is not afraid of dust and water – by protection class IP67. If the device sits in a puddle (literally), nothing bad will happen. Time of battery life is 20 minutes. On the restoration of the battery should be 2 hours.

Currently, engineers quadrocopter brought to mind. The release is expected in February 2016. Retail price is 899 US dollars (499 USD – for pre-order).

Feature of the Lily

The new device Lily really very interesting. The device will be useful for people who love to take pictures from above.

Source: Engadget

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South Korea is developing a new generation of drone TR-60 https://www.raqwe.com/south-korea-developing-generation-drone-tr-60/ https://www.raqwe.com/south-korea-developing-generation-drone-tr-60/#comments Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:22:43 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=25837 What future awaits us? Many technological innovations, can now show the main development projects fields of technology. The most interesting innovation Offers can be expected from the eastern countries, namely South Korea. Developers show and explain the essence of future technology. Let’s see what developers accepted. Republic of South Korea today is one of the most developed countries on the development and production of telecommunication devices. And most recently, Korean manufacturers have shown a new drone called TR-60. The main features of the UAV TR-60 According to the Korean developers that drone TR-60 is made of high quality materials and has the form of similar to an airplane. The most […]

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South Korea is developing a new generation of drone TR-60

What future awaits us? Many technological innovations, can now show the main development projects fields of technology. The most interesting innovation Offers can be expected from the eastern countries, namely South Korea. Developers show and explain the essence of future technology. Let’s see what developers accepted.

Republic of South Korea today is one of the most developed countries on the development and production of telecommunication devices. And most recently, Korean manufacturers have shown a new drone called TR-60.

The main features of the UAV TR-60

According to the Korean developers that drone TR-60 is made of high quality materials and has the form of similar to an airplane.

The most important and interesting feature is that the drone TR-60 is capable of flying at speeds up to 500 km per hour. Suggestible speed, for the UAV. For what purposes will be designed drone Korean manufacturer is not reported.

Another main feature is its flight range which is about 6 hours of continuous operation. After that drone TR-60 will need to refuel fuel, and the drone is able to fly further.

South Korea is developing a new generation of drone TR-60

Design drone made impressive as for the development of UAV. Drone TR-60 is made of metal light material, and the drone is able to withstand a lot of pressure. Also a lot of pressure will be due to the flight altitude, as the drone can fly at altitudes up to 13 km above sea level.

What is the main objective of the drone TR-60?

Many people might think that the main task will be to monitor and spy on other countries. And the drone TR-60 will be used as a military defense. But, in fact, it is not so, as the main purpose of drone TR-60 will study in hard to reach places for a person places. Many complex and difficult problems facing the climatic conditions of our planet. And in order to solve various problems quickly need to quickly get to and learn the cause of the problem. And in the future drone TR-60 will be able to perform these tasks.

Development of the project TR-60 will be continue for a long time. And as reported by Korean developers of the project to start mass production only in 2024.

Source: PopularMechanics, PopSci

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The French created the hunter on the drones https://www.raqwe.com/french-created-hunter-drones/ https://www.raqwe.com/french-created-hunter-drones/#comments Thu, 16 Apr 2015 11:59:18 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=25719 In recent years, Paris was faced with an unusual problem. French capital flooded anonymous drones. It is not always clear who controls the apparatus. Machinery circling dangerously close to attractions, government buildings and even nuclear power plants. Not surprisingly, the local authorities decided to design “the hunter on the drones”. And can track down careless owners. Responded to the appeal of the company’s engineers ECA. They managed to develop a pretty effective system based on military IT180. Beautiful “name” of the model is not, but it is functioning properly. When the sky appears undesirable UAV, the novelty begins pursuit. Returns this to the starting point, take photos of the host […]

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The French created the hunter on the drones

In recent years, Paris was faced with an unusual problem. French capital flooded anonymous drones. It is not always clear who controls the apparatus. Machinery circling dangerously close to attractions, government buildings and even nuclear power plants.

Not surprisingly, the local authorities decided to design “the hunter on the drones”. And can track down careless owners.

Responded to the appeal of the company’s engineers ECA. They managed to develop a pretty effective system based on military IT180. Beautiful “name” of the model is not, but it is functioning properly.

When the sky appears undesirable UAV, the novelty begins pursuit. Returns this to the starting point, take photos of the host and sends the coordinates of the police.

The French created the hunter on the drones

As a result – delay operator in the act.

Technical details were not disclosed. However, the test project – according to representatives of ECA – were successful. Detection of “hooligans” in a radius of 700 meters takes less than a minute.

Source: Engadget

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Atmospheric satellites Solara https://www.raqwe.com/atmospheric-satellites-solara/ https://www.raqwe.com/atmospheric-satellites-solara/#comments Thu, 22 Aug 2013 17:43:51 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=4870 The exhibition AUVSI 2013 by Titan Aerospace project was presented autonomous aircraft powered by solar energy. Solara 50 is capable of carrying a payload to a height of 20,000 feet, and can become relatively cheaper and more versatile alternative to the low-orbit satellites – the time of its battery life without landing can be five years. Fuselage length of 15 meters, a wingspan of 50 meters and weight of 160 kg and a load capacity of 30 kg. Cruising speed unit 111 km / h One base station mounted on a mobile Solara 50 can replace a hundred land-based rigs. Entering the development is scheduled within the next five years.

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The exhibition AUVSI 2013 by Titan Aerospace project was presented autonomous aircraft powered by solar energy. Solara 50 is capable of carrying a payload to a height of 20,000 feet, and can become relatively cheaper and more versatile alternative to the low-orbit satellites – the time of its battery life without landing can be five years. Fuselage length of 15 meters, a wingspan of 50 meters and weight of 160 kg and a load capacity of 30 kg. Cruising speed unit 111 km / h One base station mounted on a mobile Solara 50 can replace a hundred land-based rigs. Entering the development is scheduled within the next five years.


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Electric vehicle without a driver https://www.raqwe.com/electric-vehicle-driver/ https://www.raqwe.com/electric-vehicle-driver/#comments Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:23:27 +0000 http://www.raqwe.com/?p=4629 The first car without a driver made his debut in Singapore. Eight electric Navia driven electric motor accelerates to 20 km / h, and the system of lasers and sensors detects obstacles and corrects movement. The route of the specified on-board GPS-navigator and battery charges in special parking areas, between which runs Navia. The main limitation of the use of such vehicles, of course, the distance. However, the creators of the sample to position him as the transport of the “last mile”, ie for use on college campuses, theme parks, airports and hospital buildings.

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electric-vehicle-driver-raqwe.com-01 - копия

The first car without a driver made his debut in Singapore. Eight electric Navia driven electric motor accelerates to 20 km / h, and the system of lasers and sensors detects obstacles and corrects movement. The route of the specified on-board GPS-navigator and battery charges in special parking areas, between which runs Navia. The main limitation of the use of such vehicles, of course, the distance. However, the creators of the sample to position him as the transport of the “last mile”, ie for use on college campuses, theme parks, airports and hospital buildings.

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