Category: NEWS

To be or not to be: why Apple «kill» line iPod, and why – no

After the announcement of financial indicators of our favorite company in the last quarter, it became clear: iPod all bad. According to statistics, during the reporting...

iPhone returns leadership, bypassing Samsung

Returning to the third quarter of 2013 may recall that Apple’s smartphone leadership inferior products Samsung’s share of the U.S. market, 34% versus 38% for...

Unlocking your Mac with Touch ID

Only jailbreak can truly unlock the potential of the sensor Touch ID in the new iPhone 5s . Of course, confirmation of shopping and unlock your smartphone – it is...

Facebook introduced the application for reading news Paper

  Company Facebook announced the release of a new application for reading news titled Paper, which is somewhat familiar to many variation Play Newsstand , Flipboard and...

Epic battle in Eve Online valued at $ 330,000

Events that took place from 27 to 28 January 2014 in the system B-R5RB, already dubbed a bloodbath. Incredible scale battle unfolded due to carelessness of the...

How to choose a budget smartphone on Android?

Entitled “How to choose the phone on Android “can devote unless thesis, at least abstract. We focus on the text and overview videos, benchmark results,...

MWC-2014: what to expect fans of Android?

Before the exhibition Mobile World Congress, which is held annually in Barcelona, ​​only one month. No surprises, of course, MWC-2014 will not do, but about the most...

Security or personalization? Make your choice

Hobbies – has long managed to migrate from the category of “temporary fad” into a fully fledged part of his life. This is primarily journalistic...

Give me your ear! Unusual alternative password

Smartphones modern people can store a large amount of important information, so to protect it from prying eyes and detractors manufacturers are coming up with all kinds...

Carl Icahn: Apple does not care about its shareholders

After several months of unsuccessful attempts to convince Tim Cook and the board Apple to increase the program to repurchase shares, the billionaire investor and...

Samsung revenues suffered because Apple

Last week, the South Korean giant has introduced its report for the fourth quarter of last year, which, to put it mildly, did not live up the expectations of experts....

[Rumors] iPhone display sapphire passes first test

Earlier this week it was reported that Apple has patented a special technique involving the use of sapphire as a coating display future iPhone. Only a few days, while...