Category: NEWS

Samsung releases an official statement about the problems of the update to Android 4.3 for Galaxy S3

The case goes back about two weeks ago when he saw Samsung Galaxy S3 finally get the long-awaited update to Android 4.3 after months of speculation and evidence through...

Xiaomi to work on a Mini Android PC? Maybe …

It could be almost anything the image that was posted by Xiaomi and Hugo Barra on Google+ and the riddle is this: that device is hidden behind the image we see? The...

Motorcycle vs G Nexus 4: still a comparison with the new Motorola

After seeing Moto G vs  Nexus 5, we propose another comparison with the previous Nexus or the Nexus 4. Although they are once again different products and the Nexus 4...

Motorcycles G: If the status LED does not work, the solution is a free app

The Moto G has the status LED? The answer is yes but you may not realize ever! The reason is simple: as you buy the smartphone, the reset or otherwise make the first...

“The choice is based on the console exclusive games”, according to data from a recent survey

According to data from a recent survey, the most important factor to consider when choosing to buy a console rather than another is given by the exclusive games. This...

Fifa 14: EA Sports releases a new video dedicated to the next gen version of the game

EA Sports, a few hours ago on his official YouTube channel, has released a new video dedicated to the unique characteristics that the player will be in the next...


Qualcomm smartwatch toq available in the U.S. from December 2 to 350 €

After his appearance in the course of IFA here in 2013 that Qualcomm decided to market its smartwatch by December 2 toq , the first that has a Mirasol display in color...

NBA 2K14: Michael Jordan creates his team in the new trailer

NBA 2K14 is the latest installment in the NBA 2K series developed by Visual Concepts. The basketball game is already available for Xbox 360, PC, and Playstation 3, and...

Battlefield 4: attached servers in the PC version

For several days now gamers who bought the PC version of Battlefield 4 are actually found a number of issues relating to dedicated servers to play online. The heads of...

HTC Desire HD: made the kernel can boot ROM Sense 5.0

Define “very active” independent developers who have chosen to invest resources on the terminals HTC may seem simplistic, in the light of the important...

MTX Audio IT1 Air, wireless speaker with AirPlay and DLNA

MTX Audio has launched IT1 Air, the wireless speaker already presented to the latest editions of CES and IFA. This product comes with a very impressive, considering that...

Gangster Granny 2: a shooter game for “sprightly” players

The Black Bullet Games has posted a new adventure granny’s more active on the mobile platform. This is the new Gangster Granny 2, sequel to the first realized that...