Category: NEWS
iFixit: Apple iPad Mini tablet with Retina display almost not suitable for repair
DavidNov 14, 2013
Experts from iFixit have access to the new tablet Apple iPad Mini with Retina display and the verdict on its maintainability. Having looked at the individual components...
Global sales of smartphones YotaPhone will begin in December
DavidNov 14, 2013
Smartphone YotaPhone, which is already quite a lot of time is being developed by Yota Devices, has become a truly original unit of Russian origin in the smartphone...
EASA authorized the use of mobile devices in passenger aircraft, with virtually no restrictions
DavidNov 14, 2013
By the end of November this year, European citizens will be able to use smart phones, tablets, e-readers and music players in passenger aircraft with virtually no...
Jolla implements in their smart phones access to the store instead of Google Play Yandex.Store
DavidNov 14, 2013
The company Jolla, which is actively preparing for the start of sales of the smartphone platform Sailfish , previously expressed support for Android-applications....
The world’s first processors with heterogeneous architectures AMD Kaveri will be released in January 2014
DavidNov 14, 2013
During the conference, developers APU13, AMD announced that APU Kaveri, the world’s first processors with heterogeneous architectures – CPU and GPU with a...