Category: NEWS

Tablet Lenovo IdeaPad B6000 and B8000 were seen on the Net

How much useful information can be found at times by going to the online store , which inadvertently posted specifications too early yet represented devices. This is...

Became known specifications Samsung smartphone with flexible display

By far the most mysterious project is Samsung smartphone with a flexible display. Until today, we did not have even a hint of what it will be. Now the network leaked...

Sony introduced Case Power Cover CP 12 for Xperia Z Ultra

A few months ago, Sony introduced the Sony Xperia Z Ultra – a smartphone with a 6.44 -inch screen. Almost immediately, many users are faced with a choice of...

Racing Anki Drive for iOS will be released this month

With the approval of Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook), at WWDC 2013 the company presented its project Anki Anki Drive. The company itself specializes in the manufacture of...

Google is in talks to acquire BlackBerry

Resource Reuters reports that Google is one of the companies interested in buying all or part of Blackberry. The latter has been the difficult 6 years, during which the...

Meet the actress who voiced the Siri

Until now, no one knew who voiced personal assistant Siri, which became a part of every owner’s iPhone, since the 4S. Woman , which gave voice Siri, call Susan...

iPhone 5C temporarily fell

As it became known, large stores have reduced the price of the iPhone 5c connection with the contract. “Cheap” iPhone is now even cheaper. Apple has set the...

The ads begin to appear in the app Gmail

Last week we told you about Google’s intention to introduce its advertising in the Gmail, and apparently we were right. The advertisements in fact start to appear,...

Bright Switch, Wall Switch with Android lands on Indieoogo

Android devices “conventional” now there are of all brands and price ranges, but the potential of Google is very well-known SO the broader compared to...

Samsung lawyers divulged confidential information about the agreement between Apple and Nokia

Associated with the scandal another legal battle between Apple and Samsung, though now it appears more and the Finnish company Nokia and in quite an unexpected, reports...

iPhone 5s – the most popular smartphone in the four operators in the U.S.

The launch of two new smartphones iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c was never as successful for Apple. In the first three days, the company sold in nine countries 9,000,000 of...

Samsung expects that Obama will lift the ban on sales of its smartphones, as was done in the case of Apple

Samsung expects that U.S. President Barack Obama would veto a ban on imports of its products, as it has done in the case of Apple, said on Monday the news agency...