Category: NEWS

Microsoft: more different keyboards

Along with tablets Surface and Surface Pro presented to us and cover-keyboard for them. And Microsoft is very proud of them. The second version of the keyboard was not...

Philips Xenium W3568 – a compact smartphone with a battery of 2000 mAh

Philips Xenium W3568 – is a smartphone that will make each day brighter . It is equipped with a dual-core processor with a frequency of 1.2 GHz, 4 -inch WVGA TFT...

The new smartphone from Fujitsu and Revolution Qualcomm

Japanese telecommunications company Softbank completed its press conference Winter 2013 – Spring 2014 . During this exhibition was presented a lot of new mobile...

Xi3 Piston game console will go on sale Nov. 29

Xi3 Company announced that Piston game console , compatible with the recently announced OS SteamOS, but as it turned out, not related to Valve , will be on sale on...

Assassin’s Creed IV will be released on PC only on November 19

All the other parts of the blockbuster game Assassin’s Creed came out on the PC with a delay relative to the console versions. Earlier this year, Ubisoft has...

The share of Windows Phone in Europe was 9.2%

Research agency Kantar has provided evidence that the European market has seen a significant increase in sales of smart phones on the operating system Windows Phone....

iWatch will have a flexible OLED-display with a diagonal of 1.3-1.5 inches

Apple wants to be a pioneer in a new segment of wearable computers. A revolution in the market of multimedia players, and then – phones in Cupertino want to repeat...

Thuraya satellite launched Case for iPhone

Satellite operator Thuraya, which provides its services in more than 140 countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East and Europe, released a case for the iPhone...

Kingston MobileLite Wireless, or how to expand the phone memory

External batteries currently active user of smart phones will be surprised. Rather, “power metal cans” (English power bank) are firmly established in the...

Apple TV and “smart” TV: who will win?

Smart TVs for already a couple of years haunt buyers. And it seems to me, do not give something else – the answer to the question “What will happen to the TV...

Tablet Android displace iPad

Tablet computers from Apple are still the most popular in the world, but their competitors c Android operating system on board did not even think to give up the fight...

The problem with iMessage in iOS 7 and its solution

Service iMessage has long been irritating for users who are increasingly choosing to move to alternative messengers. However, if the previous owners of Apple devices...