Category: NEWS


Microsoft will bring together the app stores for Windows

After purchasing the Nokia Microsoft faced with the problem of device fragmentation . It is not just about smartphones and tablets, but also desktop solutions . In order...

Twitter will notify disaster

On Twitter, claimed to have developed a special program of alerting the public to natural disasters and emergencies. Work it will be as follows: for those users who have...

IPhone camera to diagnose diseases of the eye

American researchers from the Hospital of ear and eye diseases have proven that the camera smartphone iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 are good enough to replace the complex...

Apple will be obliged to give up the corporate Lightning-connector

Apple will be obliged to give up the corporate Lightning-connector and the old 30-pin port, at least in the European version of smartphones and tablets. Unless, of...


The new version of Skitch for iOS 7 with an updated interface

New update Skitch for iOS. This application was created in order to enable you to quickly and easily share comments and observations directly on the image or document....

The deficit iPhone 5s will continue until December

Opinions as to the proportion of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c 9 million in the first smartphones that Apple sold in the first weekend, divided. Analysts at Piper Jaffray said...

Lenovo has developed a 13.3-inch ultrabook, which is twice as thin MacBook Air

Lenovo has developed the world’s thinnest Ultrabook with a screen diagonal of 13.3 inches. According Yesky, the thickness of the prototype portable laptop is 9.7...

MuscleNerd: Update iOS 7.0.2 to jailbreak safely

Users who are waiting for the jailbreak for iOS devices 7 can breathe a sigh of relief – the update iOS 7.0.2 , Apple released on Thursday night, safe to...

iPhone 5s and Burst Mode: Limit on the number of frames

  iPhone 5s since its appearance is endowed with an interesting and probably useful feature continuous shooting photos. The point is simple – when you press the...

Touch ID: Just touch you wrong!

Recently in the news and social networks are common discussions and opinions on the new features of fingerprint recognition called Touch ID in the iPhone 5S . Basically,...

Life-Life Hack: How to make it work 3G?

We all have difficult times, and life is particularly difficult when the phone shows the letter «E», and not the inscription «3G», because it means that you have to...

Apple will have time to submit the remaining products for one event?

Last fall, Apple had to announce a lot of different devices: new iPhone, iPad 4 and iPad mini, three new iPod, as well as updated computers Mac. In order not to stretch...