Unfortunately for fans of animation studio Pixar, the first in the world robonavtom was not WALL-E, and the development of the Japanese company Toyota called Kirobo, which has been successfully sent into space.
Robot Kirobo was the only passenger cargo module HTV4 «Konotori” (4 Transfer Vehicle), which was sent into orbit by the rocket H-IIB F4 from Tanegashima Space Center. On board the cargo module is also about 3.5 tons of food, water, objects of daily use and scientific equipment to the ISS astronauts. According to plan, the ship will dock with the ISS is August 9.
The height of the humanoid robot Kirobo is slightly more than 30 cm It is part of the «Kibo Robot Project» researchers at Tokyo Metropolitan University (University of Tokyo).
It is worth noting that the name Kirobo robot received by merging the words «kibo», which means “hope” in Japanese, and «robot». Robonavt Kirobo understand human speech, can recognize faces and is able to interact with plant personnel. Moreover, it can also record all conversations. The developer believes that the robot will be able to become a good conversationalist and maintain emotional mood isolated for a long period of astronauts.
“The robot Kirobo to become a sort of link between humans and machines or people, and the Internet, and sometimes between people,” – said the creator Kirobo Tomokata Takanashi (Tomotaka Takahashi) during the interview BBC .
The second robot, the project «Kibo Robot Project» will be called Mirata, but he will remain on earth in case Kirobo with unforeseen problems and will have to solve remotely.
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